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Till Death 2021

A woman is left handcuffed to her dead husband as part of a sick revenge plot. Unable to unshackle, she has to survive as two killers arrive to finish her off.
5.8/10 IMDb
Horror,Thriller *** The helpful-yes-no buttons are for if or not the review helped you decide. Not whether you disagree with my opinion**** *** You may Jump to the bottom for a Hot-Take.*** Film's premise presents an interesting twist to the Husband/Wife revenge story. Megan Fails to deliver in the very beginning scene of the movie. Which is crucial to the story. That could have been the anchor. Hardly encouraging viewer to proceed. But if one does muster the interest to venture on, you can find the decent stunt choreography rewarding. The film is held together by standout performances by the three foreign male leads.